Does your company transfer money in different currencies? If it does so through your bank, you have significant currency exchange expenses. Our service drastically reduces them and saves you money without having to change your processes.
satisfied customers
CHF securely processed
saved per customer on average, annually
Our exchange rates are radically better than banks, including the preferential rates that they may offer to their larger corporate clients.
CompareOur only revenue is a small degressive 0.4% margin, which we take on each currency exchange operation. It's up to 10x cheaper than a bank!
With ibani you have absolutely no other cost. No transfer or processing fees, no account opening, maintenance or closing fees, nothing at all!
See ratesWith ibani, you create transfer routes between a source bank account and a destination one. We assign a unique Swiss IBAN to each of those routes, which you can then freely use and without restriction to transfer money in different currencies.
You can create as many IBANs as you need. They are not bank accounts, so you don't have to declare them in your company's tax reports.
If your company owns several bank accounts in different currencies - whether in Switzerland or abroad, you can use ibani to minimize your exchange costs when making transfers between those different accounts.
On request, we can add support for additional currencies with our service. Don't hesitate to contact us to ask.
See our currenciesDo you hire cross-border workers? Give a significant advantage that won't cost you a cent. Our service helps you pay their salaries in Euros directly to their foreign bank account, at the best exchange rate of the market.
By default, each transfer that we receive on your ibani IBANs is immediately processed, converted and transferred out to the destination account.
But if you prefer, you can switch your IBAN in manual mode. Funds received will be in standby (up to 30 days) until you manually trigger the currency exchange at the moment you choose.
Protect yourself from unfavorable FX market fluctuations by fixing the exchange rate that suits you, directly from our mobile app or by email.
You provide the information required to create your business account in our mobile app, or by email if preferred.
You define a transfer route by providing a source bank account, a destination one, and their respective currencies. We then assign it an IBAN within 48h.
Once your IBAN is active, you can freely transfer funds to it without restrictions. They will be converted upon reception or at your signal, then transferred out to the destination account.
ibani SA is a FinTech company established in 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland. We are an audited financial intermediary, with a track record of thousands of clients and transactions.
ibani SA is affiliated to SO-FIT, a financial intermediary within the meaning of article 2 para. 3 of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA).
SO-FIT is a self-regulatory organization recognized by the Swiss Federal Financial Markets Supervisory Authority (FINMA).